Common Procedures
Dear Parents and Students,
Welcome to Shelters Elementary School!
The mission of our school is to provide a positive environment conducive to the belief that every child can learn. The faculty and staff of Shelters Elementary School are committed to working with our students, parents, and the community in educating the whole child socially, physically, emotionally and academically.
This handbook and common procedures will provide information regarding school procedures and policies. As questions about our school and our programs may arise, please feel free to contact us.
We are looking forward to working with you in making this a rewarding, enjoyable school year. Your involvement is very important to us and we look forward to a strong working relationship.
Mrs. Michelle Hodgkinson
Students are required to abide by the District's code of conduct. In addition to those rules, the following expectations are established to help promote a safe, positive, learning climate in our school.
We Will Respect Ourselves
Students will be expected to come to school each day prepared to learn.
This means children should:
- Arrive to school on time.
- Attend every day unless ill.
- Be prepared for the day's activities.
- Bring all necessary books, homework, and chromebook.
- Come to school properly dressed.
- Leave unnecessary items at home. Students should not bring radios, toys, games, or other items that distract from the learning process.
- Always use proper language when speaking with students and adults. No obscene or inappropriate words or gestures. No name-calling.
- Stay on task. Be actively involved in the learning activity.
- Stay in control of one's emotions. Avoid temper outbursts.
We Will Respect Adults
Students will be expected to acknowledge the authority of all adults in the school and cooperate with them.
This means children should:
- Address all adults using the proper title (Mrs., Miss, Mr.) and their last name.
- Cooperate with the adults, and do as they are instructed. If a problem arises, discuss it respectfully at an appropriate time.
- Listen when an adult is speaking.
- Be polite and courteous to all adults. Follow all classroom rules, such as raising their hand if they have a question.
- Allow the teacher to teach, and others to learn, without interruption.
- Respect the teacher's property. Do not touch things on his / her desk without permission.
- Always use proper verbal and body language. Do not use inappropriate or obscene words. Do not slouch, glare, or make improper gestures toward the adult.
We Will Respect Each Other
Students will be expected to work together in a safe and orderly manner.
This means children should:
- Treat other students with respect and understanding, as they would want to be treated.
- Work cooperatively with other students.
- Respect the physical space of other students. Students should not hit, kick, push, or fight with other students. This includes play fighting, karate kicking, and wrestling.
- Respect the personal property of other students. Students should not take things that do not belong to them or touch things that are on or inside of someone's desk, book bag, locker, etc.
- Take turns when working with others, and be courteous to others.
- Always respect the feelings and dignity of others. Students should not call other students names, tease, threaten, or intimidate them.
- Always treat others in a safe, responsible manner. Never throw objects at others or point sharp objects at one another.
- Walk properly in the hallway. Students should walk slowly and quietly in the hallway respecting the learning activities of others. No running, jumping, pushing, or kicking walls.
- Always respect and obey the safety patrol members who are on duty.
- Avoid threatening others or intimidating others with physical harm. This can be viewed as an aggressive behavior similar to fighting.
- Respect the uniqueness of each individual. Students should not use language or actions, which are disrespectful, and which may imply gender related harassment.
We Will Respect School and Personal Property
Students will be expected to take good care of the school building, grounds, equipment and materials.
This means children should:
- Always keep their desk and locker neat and clean.
- Never write or mark on any school property.
- Clean up when they are finished with a task.
- Always take good care of books. Never write in, tear, lose or damage them. Books will have to be paid for if they are damaged.
- Use school restrooms properly. Students should use restrooms designated for their use. Students should not place paper towels in toilets, waste soap or paper products, or mark walls.
- Always use furniture properly. Students should sit on chairs, not tipping or rocking them. Never climb on tables or desks.
- Refrain from chewing gum in the building.
- Keep hands away from walls and bulletin board displays.
We Will Accept Responsibility for Our Behavior at All Times
Students will be expected to accept responsibility for their own actions, and learn to make proper choices.
This means children should:
- Not seek others to blame for their own inappropriate behavior.
- Not make excuses for being unprepared.
- Not allow someone else to make them lose their temper.
- Not seek to gain revenge.
The superintendent's decision to close school due to weather or other problems will be made as early in the day as possible. Any closing will be announced on radio stations WJR (760 am), WWJ (950 am), and WXYZ (1270 am), and on major Detroit area television stations.
Parents should prepare children for an unexpected school closing or early dismissal. A plan should be explained to children in the event that such an emergency arises and parents are not at home or cannot be contacted. Each child should have an alternative place to go to if no one is at home. Leaving children on their own is discouraged and should be avoided if at all possible.
The following expectations are established to help provide each student with a safe, positive experience on the bus. Children should:
- Always follow the directions and instructions of the bus driver.
- Follow all safety guidelines pertaining to bus travel.
- Remain seated in the bus. Students should keep their hands and feet to themselves.
- Use inside, classroom voices on the bus. No yelling is permitted.
- Use only appropriate language toward others. No profanity, name-calling, or derogatory remarks will be permitted.
- Respect the property of others on the bus and at the bus stop. Do not touch items that belong to someone else.
- Respect each other on the bus. No hitting, pushing, punching, kicking, or scratching others on the bus or at the bus stop.
- Use only the designated bus. Students should not ride another bus without permission of the principal.
- Keep the bus neat, clean, and safe. Report any damage or vandalism to the bus driver.
- Eating food is also prohibited on the bus.
Our school board has a standard policy for proper dress at school. We all know there is a clear connection between proper dress and achievement at school. Parents should monitor their child's school attire. In general, the following guidelines exist for student dress. Please read them and require your children to meet them.
- All school clothing should be appropriate for the purpose of learning. Any clothing, as well as hair styling (or other forms of personal decoration) that distracts from the learning process is considered inappropriate.
- Shorts may be worn when the weather warrants. Shorts should be of an appropriate length (arms length to the fingertips). The same length requirement is true for dresses and skirts.
- Caps, hats, visors, and sunglasses may not be worn in school. The principal must approve any exception to this.
- Safe footwear is required at all times. Students who wear open toe sandals will not be allowed to play on the playscape to prevent injury to their feet from the wood chips.
- Halters, bare-midriff tops, see-through clothing, mesh clothing, and low cut pants are not appropriate. At no time should undergarments be exposed.
- No shirt, blouses, coats, or jackets with drug, alcohol, or inappropriate language or symbols may be worn.
The purpose of these guidelines is to provide for an environment that is conducive to learning. If your child is in violation of the dress code, they will be referred to the office to arrange for appropriate clothing. Parents will be contacted.
Medication Policies, Immunizations, & Illness During School
Medication cannot be administered at school without a completed "Permission Form for Prescribed Medication” and "Hold Harmless and Indemnification Agreement” on file in the office. Medication in any form, including cough drops, and other over-the-counter medication, cannot be administered by the school without a completed "Permission Form” signed by the physician. The physician must be specific as to the dosage, time of administration, duration of administration, as well as other information (i.e. required refrigeration).
The "Hold Harmless and Indemnification Agreement” form must be completed and signed by the parent. Medication must be in the original container. If the medicine is a prescription, the prescription must be in the child's name, and the dosage administered must be according to labeling. It is the parent's obligation to transport medication to and from school for the protection of all children. Dispensing medication to your children is a very serious responsibility, and we ask for your complete cooperation in following these guidelines.
All children must meet the state requirements for immunizations. No child will be allowed to attend school without proper documentation.
If your child becomes ill or injured at school, we will contact you immediately. If we cannot reach you, we will contact one of the persons on your emergency card. While we will attempt to make your child comfortable when awaiting your arrival, we cannot care for seriously ill children at school.
Students can be dropped off between 8:20-8:300 at the appropriate door based on their classroom location. They should be picked up at the same door at 3:36. Students should be dropped off and picked up only outside of the appropriate door. We ask that you do not escort your children into the building or pick them up inside. This is a safety issue. This will also encourage your children to become more independent.
Parents should go directly to the office if they are picking up their child before school is over. Your child will meet you in the office once the secretary has called the classroom. An early pickup is anytime before 3:36 and will be a reverse tardy.
Parents (not students) must sign their child in if they are tardy. Tardiness happens five minutes after school starts. Parents must sign them in whether they are ten minutes late or two hours late. Please escort your child to the office when signing them in.
You are required to inform the office of any absences, it is not the teacher's responsibility. Please advise the office before 9:00 a.m. if your child is going to be absent.
Any make-up work that a student needs will be available after their missed day(s). Teachers will not provide work ahead of time unless requested in advance.
Our school maintains emergency information for every student digitally via PowerSchool. Parents should continuously update emergency information to ensure prompt notification in the event of an emergency. Please inform the school office of any changes in address, telephone, employment, or child care arrangements. Please list at least two emergency contact persons in the event we are unable to reach you, and keep their phone numbers up to date. The school will not release children to anyone who is not on the emergency card without written notice from the parent or legal guardian.
If you need to drop off an item for your child (a lunch, snack, clothes, etc.) please bring these items directly to the office. The secretary will make sure that these items get to the designated classroom.
Shelters Elementary School offers a USDA Type A hot lunch program. Children may also buy milk only, if they wish. A free or reduced-cost lunch is available for children whose families meet USDA-established family income guidelines. Applications are available in the school office or at You must apply every school year.
The School District participates in a pre-paid system that provides convenience and accountability to our meal programs. Your child will be given an "account” into which you may deposit money at any time. This account will allow your child to pay for meals or milk just by using his/her account. In addition, you will be able to deposit money into your child's account with your debit/credit card.
If your child comes to school without a lunch or money to purchase a lunch, he/she will be sent to the office to contact a parent to either bring their money or lunch to school. If it is too late in the day, we will always provide a cheese sandwich, milk and fruit.
You must sign your child out and sign them back in if you are taking them to lunch. Students will meet their parents in the office at lunchtime and not outside of their classroom. If a parent makes lunch plans with their child and is not waiting at the office at the appropriate time, their child will be sent to the lunchroom or recess with their class. Pay particular attention to the start and end of your child's lunch and recess time. If you return early before the lunch/recess break is over your child should go to recess or the cafeteria depending on where their particular class is located.
According to research a healthy nutritional snack is beneficial to the learning process. We encourage students to bring snacks providing they are healthy, of reasonable portions, and non-disruptive to learning and class time.
SNACK SUGGESTION LIST: Keep in mind the fewer preservatives in something the more the brain will think!
- Cut up fresh fruit and veggies
- Pieces of Cheese
- Crackers (plain or cheese and crackers/PB and crackers)
- Small baggies of non-sugared cereal (Cheerios)
- Granola Bars
- Plain popcorn
**This applies to teachers and students who participate in a daily snack.
You are more than welcome to send in a birthday treat for your child. Please send in all materials for your child's birthday treat. We do not stock spoons, forks, plates, napkins, bowls, ice cream scoops, etc. Please realize that individualized treats that are easy to pass out are the best. It is very time consuming for a teacher to cut up a large sheet cake and serve it.
Research has shown that WATER only (not juice) is a brain booster and we encourage students to drink water throughout the day. However, water bottles can be distracting for some students. If your child plays with their water bottle they will be asked to put it in their locker for the rest of the day. They may try again the following day.
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974 directs that we inform you of your right to review any and all school records which relate to your child. If you feel there is any inaccurate, misleading, or inappropriate data in these files, you have the right to request a hearing to challenge and/or correct such information. Such a hearing request should be directed to the building principal. As in the past, we will not release any information about your child without your written permission. The only exceptions to this procedure are when another school district legitimately requests such records or when limited "directory information” is published in school directories, yearbooks, programs, honor rolls, etc. Such "directory information” will normally be released where appropriate unless expressly prohibited in writing by the parent.
Short brief information on a note is encouraged. A few examples for "noteworthy” information might be: If your child has been coughing a lot, is being picked up by grandma, or if you need another field trip note sent home. However, should you have a concern about your child's academic progress, difficulty with peers, or other personal issues, these are more easily dealt with in a phone call or a scheduled conference. If you need to talk to the teacher during the day please call and leave a message to have the teacher call you. Phone calls will not be put through to the teacher during instructional time. Teachers will return phone calls as soon as possible, but when they have an appropriate amount of time to talk with you.
Each child is responsible to know three key items upon arrival to school:
- They should know who is picking them up after school. This allows the child not to worry throughout the day in regards to how they are getting home. It also helps the teacher by him/her not having to be interrupted by a phone call from the office to inform him/her of who is picking the child up.
- Each child should know whether they are bringing their lunch or buying it. Each child is responsible to bring money to school throughout the year in a labeled envelope. Each envelope needs to have the child's and teacher's names and the amount written on it. Prepaid envelopes are available in the office or from the cashier.
- Please make sure your child knows a phone number to call a parent and how to dial that number on a telephone.
Shelters School has four marking periods each school year. Each period is approximately ten weeks long. Report cards are distributed after each quarter. The final report card will be mailed home. Additionally, Shelters teachers have a conference / preparation period each school day. Parents with questions regarding student progress may call or come in during the conference periods. We do ask that parents make an appointment.
Open communication between the school and the home is extremely important. Whenever parents wish to have a conference with a child's teacher, they are encouraged to phone the school or to write a note to establish a conference time with the teacher.
Parent/teacher conferences are also scheduled in the Fall and Spring. Ongoing communication through telephone calls and notes are welcomed and encouraged.
Siblings are not allowed, under any circumstance, to attend any field trip. This includes any type of trip where students leave the building such as a day at the museum or a walking field trip. All students must ride the bus to and from the field trip. The field trip permission form must be signed along with the required fee sent in by the deadline date as specified on the field trip note. (No refunds will be issued under any circumstances.) Students who do not have permission will stay back at school in a different classroom. Each field trip is unique in its schedule and needs.
Any adult who plans on volunteering or chaperoning for a class or school event must complete a criminal background check form, which are available in the office.
Classroom volunteers need to come to the office to sign in and receive a badge before going to their child's classroom. They will also need to sign out at the end of the stay.
For the safety of children and the cleanliness of our grounds, dogs are not permitted on the school premises. This includes drop-off and pick up times for students.
There is NO SMOKING allowed on the school grounds at anytime. This includes the parking lot.
If you are moving and withdrawing your child from Shelters School, please inform your child's teacher and the office before the expected withdrawal date. This will give the school ample time to complete the necessary documentation for withdrawal or transfer of your student. Please be sure that all textbooks and library books are returned and that all outstanding financial obligations have been fulfilled (i.e. lunch charges or fees for lost books). Your child should bring home all personal belongings on or before his/her last day at Shelters.